Tag Archive | "Lady Gaga"

Lady Gaga Lina Morgana Controversy

A Lady Gaga Lina Morgana controversy has opened up, and it’s really a bizarre story.  Parts of fan forums on Lady Gaga’s Web site had to be shut down after users started posting stories about Lina Morgana (rather, links to stories).

Morgana’s mother, Yana, claims that much of Gaga’s eccentric style that she has become so famous for was heavily influenced by her daughter. Lina’s former boyfriend claims that seeing a Gaga video for the first time was “like seeing a ghost.”

Morgana worked hand in hand with Gaga on several songs.  Her mother wants her daughter to receive the credit she deserves, and have the right to release songs that the two recorded together.

Lina committed suicide in 2008.  What do you think of the Lina Morgana Lady Gaga controversy? Is it understandable that a grieving mother would want this type of treatment for her daughter, or is this just a far fetched publicity stunt?

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Lady Gaga Cocaine and Drug Use Confession

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