Tag Archive | "Google"

April Fool’s Day: Google Renames Itself ‘Topeka’

is celebrating April Fool’s Day (April 1) with a name change of “Topeka.”

Google becomes Topeka

Google Renames Itself Topeka

Why did they change it to “Topeka?”  Last month, the mayor of Topeka, Kansas temporarily changed the city’s name to ‘Google, Kansas’ in a bid to become one of the test beds for the company’s Fiber for Communities project. So Google returned the favor today, in honor of April Fool’s Day.

You can read more about this from Google here.

The search engine site commonly changes its logo for holidays and special events with photos (such as Sesame Street characters when the children’s show recently celebrated a milestone) and other appearance changes.  And April Fool’s Day is no exception.

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