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Michael Jackson Autopsy and Conrad Murray’s Charges

Michael Jackson autopsy and Conrad Murray’s charges are in the news.  The Michael Jackson autopsy confirmed that the singer had Vitiligo, a skin disorder that caused his milky colored skin.  In addition, Conrad Murray has been charged in connection with Jackson’s death because he was the doctor that gave him the drugs that ultimately killed him.

Michael Jackson died late in June.  It was such a sad day, and the saddest thing is the whole thing could have been prevented.  Michael wasn’t able to sleep well, so he was given a dose of drugs typically only used in surgical settings.

It’s really sad that Michael Jackson was criticized during his life.  People joked about his lightening skin and made fun of him because he was a little different.  However, Michael Jackson was a very nice person.  His skin was lighter because of a medical condition.  Chances are he did have some sort of procedures done – but if that were the case, it would only be to even out his skin tone.  After all, if he didn’t make his skin look even then everyone would make fun of him.

Some stars just can’t win for losing, and Michael Jackson fell in to that boat. Now that he’s gone, everyone misses him.

    2 Responses to “Michael Jackson Autopsy and Conrad Murray’s Charges”

    1. Susanne says:

      Don’t hold your breathe for an apology from the tabloids and the main stream media who said Michael bleached his skin. The world now knows, Michael had Vitiligo. Michael told the truth, but no one was listening.

    2. Rob says:

      Did La Toya really rleaes a book? if yes can you plese tell me where can I get it and how many cost? please i am a very big fan of the king,of the perfect man ! I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU MICHAEL!!!


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