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Signs of Life Return to 911 Ground Zero

Signs of life are returning to the site of the 9/11 attacks, as trees were planted today in what is morphing into a wonderful memorial to those who lost their lives at the terrorist attack.  The memorial park was designed by Israeli-American architect Michael Arad.  The trees planted today at Ground Zero are white swamp oak trees, which are 25 feet tall right now, but will grow to an estimated 80 feet tall.

Those trees will be able to hold up to the harsh New York winters, and will be irrigated by a complex underground system. There’s still a lot of work to be done at ground zero, but it’s a start to a beautiful memorial.

The controversy lies with Park51, a mosque some 300 yards from Ground Zero.  The 13 story Islamic community center has created an uproar by those who think that it is insensitive to build an Islamic center so close to ground zero.

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